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Coin Standard

The Coin standard is the technical standard used for smart contracts on Sui for creating coins on the Sui blockchain. The standardization of coin creation on Sui means that wallets, exchanges, and other smart contracts can manage coins created on Sui the same as they manage SUI, without any additional processing logic.

See Sui Tokenomics to learn more about the SUI native coin and its use on the Sui network.

Although coins on Sui follow the Coin standard, they can offer specialized abilities. For example, you can create a regulated token that allows its creator to add specific addresses to a deny list, so that the identified addresses cannot use the token as inputs to transactions.

See the coin module documentation for all available options when creating a coin-type token on Sui.

Fungible tokens

In the Sui blockchain ecosystem, the Coin<T> type represents open-loop fungible tokens (see Token<T> for closed-loop tokens). Coins are denominated by their type parameter, T, which is also associated with metadata (like name, symbol, decimal precision, and so on) that applies to all instances of Coin<T>. The sui::coin module exposes an interface over Coin<T> that treats it as fungible, meaning that a unit of T held in one instance of Coin<T> is interchangeable with any other unit of T, much like how traditional fiat currencies operate.


The documentation refers to fungible tokens created on Sui using the Coin standard as "coins". For fungible tokens created on Sui using the Closed-Loop Token standard, the documentation uses the term "tokens". In practice, the terms for both these objects are often interchangeable.

Use this appendix as a quick reference to compare the API of the coin and token modules.

mint++Requires TreasuryCap
burn++Requires TreasuryCap
keep-+Send token to sender, not required for coin due to lack of transfer restrictions
transfer+[protected]Coin is transferable by default, token requires authorization
to_balance/to_coin+[protected]Token can be converted to_coin, requires authorization
from_balance/from_coin+[protected]Token can be created from_coin, requires authorization
spend-[protected]Token can be spent, requires authorization

Treasury capability

When you create a coin using the coin::create_currency function, the publisher of the smart contract that creates the coin receives a TreasuryCap object. The TreasuryCap object is required to mint new coins or to burn current ones. Consequently, only addresses that have access to this object are able to maintain the coin supply on the Sui network.

The TreasuryCap object is transferable, so a third party can take over the management of a coin that you create if you transfer the TreasuryCap. After transferring the capability, however, you are no longer able to mint and burn tokens yourself.

Regulated coins

The Coin standard includes the ability to create regulated coins. To create a regulated coin, you use the coin::create_regulated_currency function (which uses the coin::create_currency function itself), but which also returns a DenyCap capability. The DenyCap capability allows the bearer to maintain a list of addresses that aren't allowed to use the token.


The regulated-coin-sample repository provides an example of regulated coin creation.

DenyList object

The list of addresses that aren't able to use a particular regulated coin is held within a system-created DenyList shared object. If you have access to the DenyCap, then you can use the coin::deny_list_add and coin::deny_list_remove functions to add and remove addresses. You can also use the coin::deny_list_contains function to check if an address is already on the list.

Coin metadata

Each coin you create includes metadata that describes it. Typically, smart contracts freeze this object upon creation using the transfer::public_freeze_object function because the metadata for coins should almost never change. Regulated coins freeze the metadata they create automatically.

Regular coins using the Coin standard include a CoinMetadata object. As mentioned previously, regulated coins build on top of the same procedure that creates regular coins, so they receive the same metadata object in addition to a RegulatedCoinMetadata object that includes deny list information.

The fields of the metadata objects include the following:


idThe object ID of the metadata for the token.
decimalsThe number of decimals the token uses. If you set this field to 3, then a token of value 1000 would display as 1.000.
nameName of the coin.
symbolSymbol for the coin. This might be the same as name, but is typically fewer than five all capital letters. For example, SUI is the symbol for the native coin on Sui but its name is also SUI.
descriptionA short description to describe the token.
icon_urlThe URL for the token's icon, used for display in wallets, explorers, and other apps.


idThe ID of the metadata object for the regulated token.
coin_metadata_objectThe ID of the underlying metadata object (CoinMetadata) for the regulated token.
deny_cap_objectThe ID of the token's DenyCap object, which is necessary to maintain the deny list entries that controls who can and cannot use the token.

Minting and burning coins

The coin module provides the logic for creating and destroying coins on the Sui network (as long as you own the associated TreasuryCap). These functions are the same for all coins and each requires the TreasuryCap as an input.


Use the coin::mint function to create new tokens. The signature for the function is:

public fun mint<T>(
cap: &mut coin::TreasuryCap<T>,
value: u64,
ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext
): coin::Coin<T>

The signature shows that a Coin<T> results from calling the function with a TreasuryCap, value for the coin created, and the transaction context. The function updates the total supply in TreasuryCap automatically. Upon display, the coin value respects the decimals value in the metadata. So, if you supply 1000000 as the coin value that has a decimal value of 6, the coin's value displays as 1.000000.


Use the coin::burn function to destroy current tokens. The signature for the function is:

public entry fun burn<T>(
cap: &mut coin::TreasuryCap<T>,
c: coin::Coin<T>
): u64

The signature shows that only the TreasuryCap and coin object you want to burn are necessary inputs, returning the amount by which the supply was decreased (value of the coin). The function does not allow you to burn more coins than are available in the supply.

Adding and removing addresses to and from the deny list

The deny list is only applicable to regulated coins. As mentioned previously, when you create a regulated coin you receive a DenyCap that authorizes the bearer to add and remove addresses from the system-created DenyList object. Any address on the list for your coin is unable to use the coin as an input to transactions.

Add address to deny list

Use the coin::deny_list_add function to add the provided address to the deny list for your coin. The signature for the function is:

public fun deny_list_add<T>(
deny_list: &mut deny_list::DenyList,
_deny_cap: &mut coin::DenyCap<T>,
addr: address,
_ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext

When using this function, you provide the DenyList object (0x403), the DenyCap you receive on coin creation, the address to add to the list, and the transaction context. After using this function, the address you provide is unable to use your coin by the next epoch.

Remove address from deny list

Use the coin::deny_list_remove function to remove addresses from the deny list for your coin. The signature for the function is:

public fun deny_list_remove<T>(
deny_list: &mut deny_list::DenyList,
_deny_cap: &mut coin::DenyCap<T>,
addr: address,
_ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext

When using this function, you provide the DenyList object (0x403), the DenyCap you receive on coin creation, the address to remove from the list, and the transaction context. If you try to remove an address that isn't on the list, you receive an ENotFrozen error and the function aborts. After calling this function, the address you provide is able to use your coin by the next epoch.

Using an SDK

You can use either the TypeScript or Rust SDK to manipulate the addresses held in the DenyList for your coin. The following examples are based on the regulated coin sample.

const txb = new TransactionBlock();

target: `0x2::coin::deny_list_add`,
arguments: [
typeArguments: [<COIN-TYPE>],
  • <SUI-DENY-LIST-OBJECT-ID> is "0x403"
  • <DENY-CAP-ID> is the object of type DenyCap<REGULATED_COIN> we received from publishing the contract
  • options.address is the address to ban
  • <COIN-TYPE> is ${PACKAGE-ID}::${MODULE-NAME}::${COIN-NAME}, which is ${PACKAGE-ID}::regulated_coin::REGULATED_COIN based on the example.

Query coin data

You can use the following functions to retrieve data from coins.


Use the following functions to get the values for the respective fields on the metadata object for coins.

get_decimalspublic fun get_decimals<T>(metadata: &coin::CoinMetadata<T>): u8
get_namepublic fun get_name<T>(metadata: &coin::CoinMetadata<T>): string::String
get_symbolpublic fun get_symbol<T>(metadata: &coin::CoinMetadata<T>): ascii::String
get_descriptionpublic fun get_description<T>(metadata: &coin::CoinMetadata<T>): string::String
get_icon_urlpublic fun get_icon_url<T>(metadata: &coin::CoinMetadata<T>): option::Option<url::Url>


Use the coin::supply function to get the current supply of a given coin.

Check for address on deny list

Use the coin::deny_list_contains function to check if an address exists on the deny list for your coin. The signature of the function is:

public fun deny_list_contains<T>(
freezer: &deny_list::DenyList,
addr: address
): bool

The function returns true if the address is found on the coin's list, otherwise it returns false.

Update coin metadata

If the CoinMetadata object was not frozen upon creation, you can use the following functions to update its values.

Each function signature is similar. Replace <FUNCTION-NAME> and <ATTRIBUTE-TYPE> with the values defined in the table to get the signature of each function:

public entry fun <FUNCTION-NAME><T>(
_treasury: &coin::TreasuryCap<T>,
metadata: &mut coin::CoinMetadata<T>,

update_namename: string::String
update_symbolsymbol: ascii::String
update_descriptiondescription: string::String
update_icon_urlurl: ascii::String

RegulatedCoinMetadata is frozen upon creation, so there are no functions to update its data.

Check out the following content for more information about coins and tokens on Sui: